Call: JST / AMED
Funding opportunity for Japanese-German collaborations
[Deadline: 2023/8/17] the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), have launched calls for the program Adopting Sustainable Partnerships for Innovative Research Ecosystem (ASPIRE) to fund large-scale international collaborative joint research projects and promote researcher’s mobility.
Letter of Intent for Cooperation in Communication technologies
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) have published a “Letter of Intent for Cooperation in Communication technologies”.
Call for applications
Falling Walls Labs in Japan
[Deadline: 2023/06/30 and 2023/07/18] Can you pitch your research project in 3 minutes? Join the Falling Walls Labs (FWL) in Japan and win a spot in the finale in Berlin (Germany)!
Call: Tohoku Forum for Creativity
Thematic Programs for 2025 (Tohoku Forum for Creativity)
[Deadline: 2023/09/30] The Tohoku Forum for Creativity (TFC) is currently seeking proposals for the Thematic Programs for the 2025 academic year (April 2025 – March 2026) in all fields of research. If selected, reseachers will receive financial support of up to 10 million yen. Applications from researchers in Europe are welcome.
Ausschreibung: BMBF
International Funding Announcement for Quantum Technologies (BMBF)
[Deadline: 2023/11/15] Das BMBF hat die Förderbekanntmachung „Quantum International – Internationale Kooperationen in den Quantentechnologien“ veröffentlicht, die auch für Partner aus Japan offen ist.
Human-Machine Interaction and Responsibility
Approaches from technological development, psychology, philosophy, social sciences, literature and art studies (17.04.23) New technologies including robots and AI are advancing into more and more areas of our everyday lives changing the way we work, educate or communicate. There is a need to understand the ethical, legal and socio-political implications of these new developments. And experts face a need in the broader public for answers to various expectations and concerns.
Ausschreibung: JDZB
Junior Experts Exchange Program 2023 “Green Hydrogen Technologies”
[Deadline: 2023/05/07] After a break of three years due to the pandemic situation, the Junior Experts Exchange Program will be resumed in 2023!
- DWIH Tokyo
- Themen
- 2024: Künstliche Intelligenz: Mensch und Gesellschaft im Fokus
- 2023: Die resiliente Gesellschaft
- 2022: Nachhaltige Innovationen
- 2021: Gesellschaft im Wandel – Auswirkungen der Pandemie
- 2020: Städte und Klima
- 2019: Künstliche Intelligenz
- 2018: Innovatives Arbeiten in einer digitalisierten Welt
- Autonomes Fahren
- Nanotechnologie
- Netzwerk
- Forschung & Innovation
- Aktivitäten & Service
- Jahresberichte