Ausschreibung: EIG CONCERT-Japan
Digital Transformations and Robotics in Sustainable Agriculture
[Deadline: 2024/07/23] This call for proposals invites researchers to explore novel approaches, technologies, and methodologies that build on the strengths of the Japanese and European research communities to advance agricultural sustainability, enhance productivity, and ensure food security in an era of rapid technological change.
Ausschreibung: DAAD
Green Hydrogen Research Tour (Sep 15 – 20, 2024)
[Deadline: 2024/06/17, 23:59 CEST] The DAAD invites advanced doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers from Japan and other countries to meet with colleagues at renown German institutions that are actively contributing to green hydrogen research, in order to get first-hand information and insights into promising research results and technological developments.
Call for papers: DIJ
Imagined Futures in Japan and Beyond
[Deadline: 2024/06/15] The DIJ (Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien; German Institute for Japanese Studies), in collaboration with the German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH) Tokyo, is organizing an interdisciplinary workshop delving into both fictional and nonfictional portrayals of Japan’s technological future. These visions will be juxtaposed with those from other cultures and analyzed through the lens of “narrative” and “sociotechnical imaginary” theoretical frameworks.
Ausschreibung: BMBF
Digital GreenTalents Wettbewerb 2024
[Deadline: 2024/05/15, 23:59 MESZ] Wie können wir für alle Menschen gute und gesunde Lebensbedingungen schaffen, wenn der globale Klimawandel unsere heutige Wirtschafts- und Lebensweise in Frage stellt? Wie kann Digitalisierung zu einer nachhaltigeren Zukunft beitragen? Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) fördert die Digital GreenTalents – High Potentials in Sustainable Development, um Lösungen für diese drängenden Fragen zu finden und das große Potenzial des digitalen Zeitalters für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung zu nutzen.
Ausschreibung: College for Social Sciences and Humanities
International Senior Fellowship Programme
[Deadline: 2024/06/10] Das College for Social Sciences and Humanities (University Alliance Ruhr) in Essen schreibt sein internationales Senior-Fellowship-Programm aus.
Ausschreibung: Leibniz Institute for Edcuational Media
Georg Arnhold Senior Fellowship 2025
[Deadline: 2024/05/27] The Leibniz Institute for Educational Media | Georg Eckert Institute (GEI) in Braunschweig , Germany, invites applications for the 2025 Georg Arnhold Senior Fellow for Education for Sustainable Peace.
JST-DFG 2024
Japanese-German Joint Call for Proposals on “Quantum Technologies”
[Deadline: 2024/06/26 17:00] This call is launched jointly by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation). With this joint call, JST and the DFG are working together to foster cooperative efforts in scientific research between Japan and Germany. This call for proposals aims at bilateral research projects in Quantum Technologies, an emerging priority area in both Japan and Germany.
- DWIH Tokyo
- Themen
- 2024: Künstliche Intelligenz: Mensch und Gesellschaft im Fokus
- 2023: Die resiliente Gesellschaft
- 2022: Nachhaltige Innovationen
- 2021: Gesellschaft im Wandel – Auswirkungen der Pandemie
- 2020: Städte und Klima
- 2019: Künstliche Intelligenz
- 2018: Innovatives Arbeiten in einer digitalisierten Welt
- Autonomes Fahren
- Nanotechnologie
- Netzwerk
- Forschung & Innovation
- Aktivitäten & Service
- Jahresberichte