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Call for ApplicationsDAAD-Visiting-Professorships
[Deadline: 2021/4/30] The Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW) at the University of Bonn, Germany, invites applications for Visiting Professorships related to „Internationalization of Higher Education in Times of Global Crises“.
© DWIH Tokyo/iStock.com/onurdongel
Toru Kumagai’s report on R&D trends in GermanyArtificial Intelligence (AI) Development and Ethics: Seeking Human-Centric AI at a French-German-Japanese Symposium
March 19, 2021 [by Toru Kumagai] Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most keenly watched areas of cutting-edge technology in academia, industry, and government worldwide. Basic forms of AI have already been applied in many different fields—from the financial sector to social media and even online stores. AI is predicted to see further developments in the future, bringing significant benefits to humanity in a wide range of areas including manufacturing and medicine. However, there is a danger that if AI became autonomous to an excessive degree, the pursuit of economic benefits and efficiency might neglect ethics and human rights. In other words, humans need to constantly keep a firm rein on machines.
© DWIH/iStock.com/xavierarnau
Ausschreibung: BMBF, SachsenIdeenwettbewerb „Wissen schafft Perspektiven für die Region!“
[Deadline: 2021/4/30] Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und der Freistaat Sachsen veranstalten einen Ideenwettbewerb zur Auswahl von Konzepten für zwei neue Großforschungszentren im Freistaat. Die besten Ideenskizzen werden in einer sechsmonatigen Konzeptionsphase weiter ausgearbeitet und dazu vom BMBF mit bis zu 500.000 Euro gefördert.
© DWIH Tokyo
Science and innovation in GermanyToru Kumagai’s reports on R&D trends in Germany
March 15, 2021 In collaboration with Mr. Toru Kumagai, a Japanese journalist living in Germany, we bring you the latest news on science and innovation in Germany. The previous articles are available below:
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Nachrichten: EFIEFI Commission presents Annual Report on German Research and Innovation
March 12, 2021 The Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (EFI), which advises the German Federal Government on Research and Innovation Policy, has presented the 2021 Annual Report.
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Toru Kumagai’s report on R&D trends in GermanyStrengthening Post-Corona Resilience — Germany and Japan’s Efforts to Prepare for a New Global Crisis
March 2, 2021 [by Toru Kumagai] The new coronavirus (COVID-19) surge shows no sign of abating. On January 7, 2021, when this article was written, the number of new infections had skyrocketed in both Germany and Japan. Germany sees at least 10,000 newly infected people each day, sometimes surpassing 20,000 cases. On November 3, the government prohibited all restaurants and food services from operating, followed by tighter lockdown measures including closures of schools and most shops from December 16 until the end of January 2021. Meanwhile in Japan, Tokyo and three surrounding prefectures have declared a state of emergency with a month-long voluntary ban starting January 7.
© DWIH Tokyo
WebtalkDWIH Coffee Talk: The latest in research and innovation from Germany and Japan
Der DWIH Coffee Talk ist eine Reihe von einstündigen Web-Talks, in denen Experten aus Japan und Deutschland in entspannter Atmosphäre wichtige Themen aus den Bereichen Innovation und Forschung in beiden Ländern diskutieren.
- DWIH Tokyo
- Themen
- 2025: Globale Gesundheit
- 2024: Künstliche Intelligenz: Mensch und Gesellschaft im Fokus
- 2023: Die resiliente Gesellschaft
- 2022: Nachhaltige Innovationen
- 2021: Gesellschaft im Wandel – Auswirkungen der Pandemie
- 2020: Städte und Klima
- 2019: Künstliche Intelligenz
- 2018: Innovatives Arbeiten in einer digitalisierten Welt
- Autonomes Fahren
- Nanotechnologie
- Netzwerk
- Forschung & Innovation
- Aktivitäten & Service
- Jahresberichte