© DWIH Tokyo / Tetsuya Sasaki / Michael Hechtel
Connecting East and West – A Short Interview with …Sasaki Tetsuya und Michael Hechtel
In unserer Serie “Connecting East and West – A Short Interview with …” stellen wir Ihnen Menschen vor, die an deutsch-japanischen Forschungskooperationen beteiligt sind – und ihre Erkenntnisse darüber, wie und wo man erfolgreich kooperiert! Diese Woche begrüßen wir Sasaki Tetsuya, Senior Director der Saitama City Foundation for Business Creation (SFBC), und Michael Hechtel, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Fabrikautomation und Produktionssystematik der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
© iStock
Bericht: Virtuelles SymposiumDie Krise bewältigen – Psychosoziale Auswirkungen der Pandemie
Die Corona-Krise hat die Gesellschaften in Japan und Deutschland in vielerlei Hinsicht getroffen. Neben den gesundheitlichen Folgen bringt die Pandemie auch erhebliche soziale und psychische Auswirkungen mit sich wie Arbeitslosigkeit und wachsende Armut, Depression, Einsamkeit und Konflikte im häuslichen Umfeld.
© DWIH Tokyo/iStock.com/Drazen_
Toru Kumagai’s report on R&D trends in GermanyThe Future of Work: New Technologies and the Workplace
June 16, 2021 [by Toru Kumagai] The ongoing COVID-19 crisis that began in spring 2020 is significantly changing how people work in Germany and Japan. The pace of digitalisation, the shift to working remotely, the spread of artificial intelligence (AI), and the adoption of robots are all accelerating. In particular, in Germany the idea that telecommuting should be retained as one working arrangement even after the COVID-19 crisis is over is a powerful one. Moreover, with the further spread and propagation of the oncoming Fourth Industrial Revolution (the so-called “Industry 4.0”), expanding telecommuting beyond the companies in the financial services and information technology (IT) sectors into manufacturing industry is becoming an important issue.
Call & Job vacanciesInternational Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) / DONES (DEMO-Oriented Neutron Source)
[Deadline: 2021/06/30 at 23:59 GMT+2] The Research, Training and Mobility Programme – IFMIF-DONES is accepting applications for 13 positions (also in Germany and Japan) aimed at university graduates and doctoral degree holders to carry out a research, training and mobility programme at international research centres and laboratories related to the IFMIF-DONES project.
© DWIH / istock (smirkdingo)
Ausschreibung: WasserstofftechnologienBMBF Förderbekanntmachung (EIG CONCERT-Japan)
[Deadline: 2021/07/09] Das BMBF hat eine Förderbekanntmachung zum Thema „Nachhaltige Wasserstofftechnologie als erschwingliche und saubere Energie zwischen Europa und Japan“ im Rahmen der European Interest Group CONCERT-Japan veröffentlicht.
© DWIH Tokyo/iStock.com/hanabeni
Toru Kumagai’s report on R&D trends in GermanyThe fight of the German government and medical community against the psychological effects of the Corona pandemic
June 08, 2021 [by Toru Kumagai] The Corona pandemic threatens not only people’s physical health, their economic wellbeing (as well as the national economy), but also their mental health. As in Japan, the negative impact of the pandemic on people’s minds has been taken up as a serious issue in German academic circles and discussion forums.
© Tohoku University
Call: Falling Walls LabFalling Walls Lab Sendai 2021
[Deadline: 2021/06/30] You are a Bachelor or Master student, a PhD candidate, postdoc, or young professional and want to share your innovative ideas with colleagues – and the world? Apply for the Falling Walls Lab Sendai 2021 on August 31, from 13:30-17:30 (JST) and win a trip to the finale in Berlin! And if you are worried about your presentation skills –this year the event features free coaching sessions!
- DWIH Tokyo
- Themen
- 2025: Globale Gesundheit
- 2024: Künstliche Intelligenz: Mensch und Gesellschaft im Fokus
- 2023: Die resiliente Gesellschaft
- 2022: Nachhaltige Innovationen
- 2021: Gesellschaft im Wandel – Auswirkungen der Pandemie
- 2020: Städte und Klima
- 2019: Künstliche Intelligenz
- 2018: Innovatives Arbeiten in einer digitalisierten Welt
- Autonomes Fahren
- Nanotechnologie
- Netzwerk
- Forschung & Innovation
- Aktivitäten & Service
- Jahresberichte