Mulitlateral cooperations on H2 with Japanese and German partners
Sustainable Hydrogen Technology as Affordable and Clean Energy
Three projects with German partners have been selected in the call “Sustainable Hydrogen Technology as Affordable and Clean Energy” of the European Interest Group (EIG) Concert Japan (funding period FY2022 – FY2024).
EJEA Conference in Kagawa 2021: Call for Posters
[Deadline: 2021/09/15] The EJEA Conference in Kagawa on Human-centered Sustainability and Innovation for an AI-assisted Future: New Interdisciplinary Education & Research for the Next Stages in Japan and Europe, which will be held from October 22 to 24, 2021, and organised by the European Japan Experts Association (EJEA), Kagawa University, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT and the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP), is now accepting submissions for contributions.
Toru Kumagai’s report on R&D trends in Germany
Conserving Biodiversity in Japan and Germany
August 25, 2021 [by Toru Kumagai] The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is involved in countless research projects, one of which expresses Germany’s emphasis on environmental protection very well: a project aimed at preserving biodiversity. The BMBF summarizes it as follows: “About one million species of plants and animals are threatened with extinction worldwide. The decrease in biodiversity is one of the biggest challenges facing the scientific, economic and political communities.”
Ausschreibung: Green Talents Award 2021
Bewerbungsphase für den Green Talents Award 2021 hat begonnen
[Deadline: 2021/05/19, 14 Uhr (MESZ)] Werde Teil eines renommierten Netzwerks für Nachhaltigkeitsforschung, erhalte Zugang zu Deutschlands führenden Forschenden und beteilige dich am internationalen Austausch zu innovativen grünen Ideen
Toru Kumagai’s report on R&D trends in Germany
German and Japanese Electric Power Industries Embark on the Practical Applications of Hydrogen Energy
February 25, 2021 [by Toru Kumagai] The Federal Government of Germany published its national hydrogen energy strategy in June 2020, revealing that hydrogen will be one of the pillars for reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, as reported in the first article of this series. Research institutes and electric power companies in Germany as well as in Japan are currently propelling projects for the practical use of hydrogen energy.
Toru Kumagai’s report on R&D trends in Germany
Germany’s Climate Policy — Challenges and Milestones
December 23, 2020 [by Toru Kumagai] Germany is one of the most ambitious countries in the world in its effort to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions. The Merkel administration enacted the Klimaschutzgesetz (Climate Protection Law) on December 18, 2019, making the country the first in the world to mandate by law that its CO2 emissions targets should be achieved. Nevertheless, the transition towards a decarbonised economy will not go smoothly.
Nachrichten: "Bioökonomie-Gesellschaft bis 2030"
Japans Bio-Strategie 2020
Eine nachhaltige Lebens- und Wirtschaftsweise schützt Klima und Umwelt, aber garantiert auch künftigen Wohlstand. Sowohl Japan als auch Deutschland setzen auf den Ausbau der Bioökonomie. Die japanische Bio-Strategie hat das Ziel, Japan bis 2030 zu einer “hochmodernen Bioökonomie-Gesellschaft” zu machen und setzt auf die Beteiligung von Industrie, Hochschulen und Kommunen unter den Schlüsselwörtern “Nachhaltigkeit”, “Kreislaufwirtschaft” und “Gesundheit”.
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