Recent Developments in Quantum Materials and Nanoscale Devices
The workshop aims to foster and strengthen the collaboration between research groups from Germany and Japan and to initiate joint research projects.
The workshop will focus on new developments in the field of nano- and quantum devices, including:
- Novel concepts for quantum bits
- Topological materials and devices
- Spintronics
- Group IV and III/V nanodevices
2023年 11月 27日から 11月 28日
理化学研究所 和光キャンパス
主催者: Koji Ishibashi (RIKEN), Thomas Schäpers (Jülich) / Co-host: DWIH Tokyo / Support: ML4Q
For inquiries concerning the workshop, kindly contact Thomas Schäpers.
*For more information please click on the “Website” link above in the box.